Meet Junko Kazukawa and Hear How She Thrives in Adversity Grit, Guts and Determination: The Leadville Race Series Podcast

Tune in here to this episode of Grits, Guts, and Determination, The Leadville Race Series Podcast, a leading authority for all things Leadville! Host Cole Chlouber, son of race founder Ken Chlouber, takes us on a story-telling journey of the 40-year rich history of this race. We learn all the tips, tricks, and stories from the Leadville community members! Joining us today is Junko Kazukawa.

Meet Junko Kazukawa and hear how she has not only faced adversity since a PE class in grade school, but how she’s faced all those adversities head-on to shape not only who she is but…

Grit, Guts and Determination: The Leadville Race Series Podcast

Lessons in Badassery: Junko Kazukawa: Twenty-one 100-mile ultramarathons and counting

Where to start with the incredible Junko Kazukawa? This two-time breast cancer survivor is an ultrarunning legend with twenty-one 100-mile ultras in the bank, multiple 50-mile finishes and a road marathon PB of 3:20 – and at 59 years old, she’s not stopping yet!

In 2015, at the age of 52, Japanese-born Junko was the first person to complete both America’s ultrarunning Grand Slam and…

Read the entire article on Lessons in Badassery… Lessons in Badassery: Junko Kazukawa

WeRunFar Profile: Junko Kazukawa

Junko Kazukawa is widely known both for her ultrarunning athleticism and for encouraging others’ fitness goals. In 2016, I was new to trail running—and really, running as a sport—when we first crossed paths. I was eager to spend more time on trails in the mountains, so I signed up for a race that inspired me, the Leadville Trail Marathon. An email from the race organizer included an announcement for Junko Mountain Training, a training plan and group provided by coach and personal trainer Kazukawa…

Read the entire article on IRunFar… WeRunFar Profile: Junko Kazukawa

Denver Post

There’s a common refrain in Junko Kazukawa’s ultrarunning stories. When she ran the Mount Fuji marathon three days after the Boston marathon, “people said, ‘Oh, Junko, you shouldn’t do this,’ ” said Kazukawa, who lives in Denver…

Read the full article on the Denver Post

Leadville Race Series + Junko Kazukawa

The Leadville Race Series has witnessed many become legends on its epic courses. Junko Kazukawa didn’t grow up running, she even says her childhood “wasn’t athletic at all”. She started running for fitness when she was 20 years old and did a few shorter distance races for fun, then quickly became an incredible ultra-endurance athlete. We’re pretty sure she’s also a superhuman!

Entire article on…  Leadville Race Series + Junko Kazukawa

Patagonia + Junko Kazukawa on Instagram

@runjunkorun was born in Sapporo, Japan and now lives, coaches and runs in Denver, CO. A two-time breast cancer survivor, Junko was the first runner to complete the Leadville series @ltraceseries and the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning in a single year. ​

Patagonia + Junko on Instagram

Elevation Outdoors

At 53, Junko Kazukawa is quite simply one of the fiercest competitors in ultrarunning. The Japanese native, knocked off her first Leadwoman in 2014 and completed the Ultrarunning Grand Slam—which includes the Western States 100, Vermont 100, Leadville Trail 100 and Wasatch Front 100—and the Leadwoman series in 2015, the first person to pull off both of those in one summer…

Read the full article at Elevation Outdoors

Runners World

By Tonia Smith

Junko Kazukawa has always been a woman who is unafraid to make bold moves in life. Growing up in Japan, she knew that young women were expected to follow a traditional path: Go to college, take a job in an office for a few years and then get married and start a family. While that path was fine for most, it was unacceptable to Junko…

Read the full article on Ultra Running

Colorado Runner

There’s a fire that burns deep inside Junko Kazukawa, but you probably wouldn’t realize it upon first glance. Her small frame, spunky personality and humble nature are the perfect compliment to her fierce tenacity, incredible drive and appetite for challenges on and off the trail…

Read the full article on Colorado Runner Magazine

Ultrarunning Magazine

Junko Kazukawa has always been a woman who is unafraid to make bold moves in life. Growing up in Japan, she knew that young women were expected to follow a traditional path: Go to college, take a job in an office for a few years and then get married and start a family. While that path was fine for most, it was unacceptable to Junko…

Read the full article on